What Happened?
It all happened on a fall day, October 7, 2016. Adansta was driving his vehicle westbound on the Staten Island Expressway in the carpool lane. After passing the toll booth, he was rear-ended by the driver of another vehicle causing him to rear-end the vehicle in front of him. Right away he started to feel excruciating pain in his neck and lower back. The police were actually on the scene and witnessed part of the accident. Adansta’s pain was so excruciating, that he went to the emergency room at Richmond University Medical Center.
As a result of the accident, Adansta’s life would never be the same again. He moved from a pain-free and fully functional life to one where he would suffer pain, disability, and discomfort permanently! In his neck, Adansta had central disc herniation, broad based disc herniation and disc bulging. In his back Adansta experienced broad left foraminal disc herniation superimposed on subligamentous disc bulge, disc bulging, as well as cervical and lumbar radiculopathy. Due to these serious injuries, he had to have surgical intervention including 20 injections in the mid to lower back region.
Adansta, being a loyal listener of Adam Handler’s radio show, knew exactly what to do after he was injured in the accident. He called The Case Handler team at PPID and is 100% satisfied that he did. The defendant claimed that Adansta caused the accident by using his cell phone when the accident occurred. With the help of our experienced personal injury lawyers, we successfully proved that the Defendant’s claim was incorrect and we recovered the maximum policy limit of $100k!