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Maximum Policy Limits

Bronx Motorcycle Accident Lawyer: Akeem

Adam Handler is the man. There is no better lawyer than Adam Handler. He is the best!”

- Akeem from Bronx, NY



What Happened?

On May 24, 2024, Akeem was riding his motorcycle at night in Queens, New York. Since he had the right-of-way, he proceeded through the Bronxwood Avenue and East 235th Street intersection when a distracted driver ran a stop sign and crashed into Akeem! After being knocked down, Akeem immediately felt burning pain in his legs and knew he needed medical attention. Soon after the accident, he went to the emergency department at Montefiore Medical Center, where he was examined, treated, and discharged home the next morning.

Following the accident, Akeem suffered injuries and lacerations to his lower legs and hands. The laceration was so deep in his left leg that he was required to receive several stitches to close up the wound. He had patches of abrasions where the top layer of skin was completely gone in his right leg. These larger wounds on both of his legs were carefully bandaged. In addition, he had multiple bruises and wounds around his knees and hands from hitting the ground. 

Akeem was a past client and had been an injured passenger in a previous car accident. While we never want a past client to need our services again, we are grateful he remembered our team and called us to see if we could help him. A few days after the incident, he made a great choice to contact our personal injury lawyers to see if he had a case or not. With the help of our Bronx motorcycle accident lawyer, Akeem received the MAXIMUM POLICY LIMIT from the Defendant’s insurance company - in just 3 days!



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One Chance. One Choice.
One Case Handler.

A personal injury or workplace accident can be devastating for you and your family. The Case Handler team digs deep to investigate your case, identify the responsible party or parties, and press for the maximum compensation for your injuries so you can move on with your life.

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New York, New York 10007
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1045 Park Street, Suite 104
Peekskill, New York 10566

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